Middle East

Defending Jewish Students: Chabad’s Fight on Campus

As antisemitism flares on American campuses, Chabad on Campus International steps up, empowering Jewish students to stand proud despite rising hostility. A V24 exclusive with Thom Waye.

Adam Starzynski

Apr 23, 2024 - 3:20 PM

Note: V24 presents an in-depth series covering the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. This comprehensive series features on-the-ground interviews, bringing firsthand insights from a diverse range of voices, including politicians, professors, journalists, experts and influencers. Our guest today: Thom Waye.

Thom Waye on Chabad’s support for Jewish students

Since October 7th, Jewish students at universities across the United States have faced an alarming surge of hostility. Once considered safe havens for discourse and personal growth, campuses have become fraught with intimidation, forcing many Jewish students to hide their identity.

In an exclusive conversation with V24, Thom Waye, Chief Strategy Officer of Chabad on Campus International, details how Chabad is stepping up as a crucial ally. With a background in business and philanthropy, and a deep commitment to the Jewish community and Israel, Waye emphasizes Chabad’s mission to support Jewish students, ensuring they can stand proud despite mounting intimidation.

Guided by Jewish values and an ethos of inclusivity, Chabad on Campus is working tirelessly to help students navigate these challenging times.

A Growing Threat to Jewish Identity

Recent studies indicate that even before the current war, over half of Jewish students on American campuses felt compelled to conceal their faith. Now, post-October 7th, conditions have drastically deteriorated. Reports of anti-Jewish rhetoric, targeted harassment, and even physical intimidation have circulated widely. The severity of these incidents has spurred urgent calls for action from parents, alumni, community leaders, and civil rights organizations.

“We do not want any Jew to feel pressured to hide who they are. We’re telling parents and students: we are here for you, and we will work with administrators and allies to ensure our students’ rights and safety.”

Thom Waye

Chief Strategy Officer of Chabad on Campus International

Jewish students, previously absorbed in academics, social life, and planning their futures, now face a shocking mandate to defend their very identity. Amid protest slogans and chants, ill-informed accusations, and sometimes overt calls for violence, Jewish students struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy. With many university administrations slow to respond or clearly apply their codes of conduct, Jewish students and their families often feel isolated and uncertain about their safety and future.

Chabad’s Mission on Campus

Chabad on Campus International operates across hundreds of colleges, providing a vital support network. Offering everything from Shabbat dinners to mentorship, it aims to anchor Jewish students with a sense of community and purpose. Over 350 full-time campus locations serve nearly 900 colleges, and their network of hundreds of rabbis and rebbetzins has mobilized to guide students through this crisis.

Chabad’s approach, rooted in the teachings of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, emphasizes openness, acceptance, and respect. Importantly, Chabad does not impose a particular religious standard; rather, it encourages each student to explore Jewish life at their own pace. This welcoming stance has proved critical in an era when students must grapple with fear and antisemitism that can be both subtle and overt.

“We do not want any Jew to feel pressured to hide who they are,” says Thom Waye, Chief Strategy Officer of Chabad on Campus International. “We know that the majority of administrators want to do the right thing, but the pressure on them is immense. We’re telling parents and students: we are here for you, and we will work with administrators and allies to ensure our students’ rights and safety.”

Partnering with Universities and Enforcing Standards

Chabad on Campus believes that universities must uphold their own codes of conduct. Although college administrations often cite academic freedom as justification for tolerating extreme viewpoints, it doesn’t absolve them of responsibility for acts of intolerance that cross the line into harassment or violence. Chabad encourages parents, students, and donors to hold administrations accountable, urging them to insist that any violation of campus policies be met with appropriate disciplinary measures.

The formation of the Antisemitism Campus Task Force by Chabad on Campus reflects an intensified commitment to defending Jewish students’ rights. This task force serves as a hub, connecting victims of intimidation with legal resources, counseling, and guidance on how to navigate bureaucracies that too often move slowly.

Navigating a Complex Future

Some parents consider sending their children to “safer” campuses, but Chabad argues that Jewish students should not be pushed into educational exile. Every campus can be made safe if stakeholders press universities to enforce policies and ensure equitable treatment. The overarching message: Jews should not have to relinquish academic ambitions or their cultural and religious identities.

Waye conveys optimism that Jewish unity and decisive action can prevail. During these times of trial, Chabad’s rabbis and educators offer a warm presence. Students need not feel alone; through community and faith, they gain tools to stand firm against hatred.

The challenges remain enormous. Yet, as Chabad on Campus continually reiterates, no student should have to choose between a top-tier education and public expressions of their Jewish heritage. With robust efforts, from enforcement of campus codes to supportive Jewish communities and alliances with like-minded organizations, the tide of antisemitism can be reversed, ensuring that academic freedom and respect remain paramount.

Adam Starzynski

Journalist | Foreign Policy Analyst