The West

Poland’s Post-Communist Swamp: Deeper, Darker, and Ready to be Drained

Krzysztof Szczawiński, Founder of France Libre 24, issues a battle cry: Poland must shatter its post-communist chains. With entrenched judicial activism, foreign-controlled media, bureaucratic corruption, and ideological subversion, the nation’s struggle runs even deeper than that of the U.S.

Krzysztof Szczawiński

Feb 11, 2025 - 5:08 PM

Poland faces the same problems as the US - only worse... Post-communism here is a swamp on steroids.

Political activist judges blocking reforms?
Hold my beer. We’ve got a judiciary still shackled to its communist past.

Subsidized leftist media?
We’ve got that, plus media funded by foreign leftist NGOs and the Germans. Meanwhile, liberty-minded or conservative media are censored by USAID-funded "fact-checkers" or entirely blocked by our secret security agencies.

Government grift?
The sums may be smaller, but the sophistication of post-communist swindlers is unmatched. The whole system of state-owned companies is run as political prey for the kleptocracy.

Inherited from the communist era, it’s designed to work against the people. And the EU bureaucracy? It operates according to German interests, not Polish ones.

Our energy sector is so regulated that we pay one of the highest electricity prices on the planet, despite sitting on abundant resources.

Woke and gender ideologies?
Pushed by the US Embassy, USAID-funded NGOs, and the Germans, they’re collapsing our birth rates.

Putting our people last?
Our government exploits Poland’s selfless spirit for its own agenda.

The political class?
It’s not just held together by money - it’s tightly bonded by communist-era ties that still run deep. Only now, after 35 years, are they starting to loosen a little.

You see, our problems mirror those President Trump and Elon Musk are fighting. But Poland’s post-communist web is deeper and even more inextricable. Yet, like America, we are the Land of Liberty. Poland loves the US more than any other nation. To return to our ideals of freedom, we must be liberated from post-communism. Reagan’s mission remains unfinished. Communism morphed into a leftist swamp called post-communism, and it needs to be defeated.

We need Meritocracy instead of post-communist cronyism. We need honest leadership, not the incompetent fools running the show and perpetuating a culture of lying. Then, Poland can stand as America’s greatest partner - a relationship based on shared values and mutual respect, an example to the world that Western civilization and its values work best.

Krzysztof Szczawiński

Founder of France Libre 24 | Private Investor